Backspace aims to widen the learning potential of architecture concepts. Take an aspect of a project you've designed, show us your process, your method, share your references, your inspirations.
We want to learn from one another.
Backspace is a digital architecture platform.
The modern medias cultivate the trend to celebrate the
architecture drawing in a unilateral polished way.
Backspace intends to highlight the process, that leads to the spatial finality. We aim to widen the comprehension and therefore the learning potential of architecture concepts, by focusing on the approach as much as the result.
With the help of max. 9 pictures (visualizations, references, sketches, drafts, model, photos, texts...) we propose you to illustrate the process, the method, the strategy that leads to an aspect of a project, that you choose to focus on. One included picture should represent that aspect, the others will help to understand the process.
We recommend to not try to cover a full project, but rather center your discourse on one specific condition (a spatial situation, a space sequence, the section, the plan, the volumetry...).
In addition to the illustrations, you shall be asked to synthesize your post with one keyword, as well as sharing general info through the following form.
(Will be used for the Instagram caption - you are free to ignore some of them)

Please refer to our Instagram page to visualize examples.
Keyword / Title
Project title
University / Office
Short description
Please send us back the pictures (numbered - via WeTransfer). 
Form infos should be included within email. We shall do the layout ourselves and come back to you for approval, before posting on b.cksp.ce.

please note: You are responsible for the protection of the intellectual property rights in your concepts, object details, visualizations, photos, plans and other documents and assure us that their publication does not infringe the rights of third parties. You indemnify @b.cksp.ce from all claims of third parties in connection with the use of this content in the context of the publication on Instagram.
Due to the specific content-related discussion in the context of process-based aspects as reference elements by the authors, we refer to the pictorial citations according to the German law § 51 UrhG. The image may be published unaltered, without the specific consent of the owner of the rights and with the appropriate source or copyright.

We appreciate your collaboration and are deeply thankful to be allowed to use your great content for our page. We do hope this will give your work greater visibility as well.